The eyes are never
ever truly round; they are constantly changing shapes depending on the
situation. Everyone has astigmatism every once in awhile. In fact, you can
create the illusion of astigmatism right now by pulling on the eye lids and
blurring the vision. The eyes will usually fix themselves in a few hours or
days; without the use of glasses. Artificial lenses mask the problem and
prevent the eyes from healing themselves.
The eyes are
amazing organs and they are the first line of defense against tension; we just
tend to ignore those signs. If vision because blurry or distorted, your eyes
are telling you to relax and take it easy. 

When you feel
tense, there are some activities you can do, and they only take a few minutes.
The first thing to do is relax. Stop what you are doing and take a quick break.
You don’t have to leave your desk or the area you are working in. Simply move
your eyes around. Look away from the screen or the papers in front of you;
focus on objects far away and give your eyes a chance to move from near to far.
If you are at home,
you can lie on the floor and have someone swing a pendulum over your head. This
allows your eyes to focus and follow an object and move. The eyes need to move
to work properly. They are not design to start straight ahead for hours at a
time. They are made to move and absorb the world around us.
An easy solution to
astigmatism is to eat more fruits and vegetables. Eating a more healthy diet
can help improve health and eyesight. The important things to remember is to
keep your eyes in motion and give them a break every 15-20 minutes.
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