The eyes love to stay busy, rapidly moving around and taking
in the sights all around us. Eyes don’t like to stop moving and focus on only
one item. When this happens, the eyes start to strain and concentrate and
vision is not as accurate. Your eyes and brain work at a much more rapid pace
then we give them credit for. When we are out in nature, the eyes are moving
quickly from one tree or flower to the next. The only time they stop and stare
is when your brain isn’t aware of what it is looking at. If you are looking at
roses and then a unknown flower comes into focus, you will stop and stare until
you realize it is a daisy and then move on.

Eyes never stop moving, unless we force them to. Even when
we are asleep the eyes are moving around in the darkness. When the eyes are
still for too long, they start to become damaged and lose the focus. Eye
movement should always be smooth and flowing, never jerky or bouncing around.
You can teach the eyes to move smoothly by tracing objects.
The eyes don’t have to look from one item to the next in jerky movements. Try
tracing around the edges of objects.
Look out the window allowing your eyes to outline cars, buildings,
trees, and bushes. After a few times, the objects should start to get clearer
and the color brighter. You can trace just about anything, couches, chairs, and
the television. Do this exercise at least once a day to train the eyes to
really look at things and not just stare.
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