Saturday, June 7, 2014


Attract MONEY, RELATIONSHIPS,CASH,HEALTH, CARS,HOUSES etc. with this "Mind Movie" THOUSANDS of subliminal affirmations, images and suggestions flash across the screen getting into your SUBCONSCIOUS MIND as you watch this movie! Then the Law of Attraction produces it for you in your life as if on Autopilot! WATCH IT OVER AND OVER FOR QUICKER RESULTS!

3 Simple Ways to Superboost Your Subliminal Power For Success

Success in life can be very far from you when you don't take any step in empowering your mind to go for it. Success actually begins and ends with the mind. The healthier your mind is, the brighter your chances of success becomes. You can always activate your subliminal power and attain any level of success you want in life. You can super boost this great power in your mind when you discover the right steps to take. Discussed below are 3 simple ways you can engage.

1. Listen to Subliminal Messages Daily Boosting your subliminal power is never a wish. You really need to work it out. One of the simplest ways to engage is to listen to quality subliminal messages often. You have to take your time to locate quality subliminal resources that can help you in the process. They showcase in forms of CDs, MP3s, DVDs and tapes. They are very much available online. There are lots of websites dealing on subliminal technology. If you have a good internet connection and a nice computer, you can even download some of the subliminal resources directly from the websites. When you succeed in getting them, do well to map out special time daily to listen to them. As you go about hearing such messages daily, your subconscious mind is empowered to go for success.

2. Engage in Daily Meditation To boost your Subliminal Power, you need to engage in daily meditation. This helps you to contemplate and assimilate what you learn from subliminal resources. It's important you map out special period for your meditation. It's often better to engage in that during the wee hours of the day. At such early hours, the environment is always very quiet. You can easily get your mind enhanced when you meditate on subliminal messages which you have been hearing.

3. Use Positive Affirmations Daily Boosting your Subliminal Power will never be complete until you learn to use positive affirmations on daily basis. In most cases, quality subliminal resources do contain all kinds of positive affirmations. You have to listen to them and also hear them regularly. Apart from that, you are expected to speak out the affirmations. You need to use them to talk to yourself. They have a way of empowering and re-conditioning your subconscious without your conscious awareness. You can even deal with several issues in your life when you take time to use positive affirmation. They have a way of enforcing your mind to go after success even when you least expect to see better results. In all, the above 3 simple ways will always help you to super boost your subliminal power for success.
You have to master them and use them on daily basis. You also need to eat properly, exercise properly and sleep well. You're sure to attain resounding success in every area of your life when you engage in these steps discussed. You don't need to be discouraged when results are not coming as you expected. The impact of subliminal resources are not usually felt at the beginning. You have to keep on using them on daily basis in order to force the results to show.
Visit to get your Free 'Secret Success Package' and transform your life in amazing ways!
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Joshua Foer on how he greatly improved his memory.

Joshua Foer is the author of "Moonwalking with Einstein", in which he chronicles how he was able to improve his memory enough to win the U.S. Memory Championship and he reveals the techniques he used to improve it.

Simple Memory Improvement Tips Can Improve Your Life

How many times have you been driving home and suddenly had that sinking feeling that you've forgotten something. You walk in the door and you husband or wife greets you loveingly and hands you your anniversary present.
It's at that point that you realise another year has gone by and you have totally fogotten your anniversary again. If you have had this experience before then it's time for you to look at making an improvement to your memory.
By following a few easy memory improvement tips it will be easy for you to make a dramatic improvement to your memory and never have to worry again about forgetting things, which is the first - and probably the main - reason why simple memory improvement tips can improve your life.
Now, there are several different categories for your memory. These include remembering dates and events, names and faces, factual information and lists. In each of these areas there are different memory improvement tips and tools that you can use for your memory improvement.
If your one of these people that can never remember someones name there are several techniques that you can use. The most commonly used one by people around the world is to associate a rhyme with their name. For example, if your out at a party and get introduced to a new person named Tony. The first thing you want to do is make sure you repeat their name once or twice in conversation. "Hi Tony, pleased to meet you." This will help to confirm their name in your short term memory.
To help lock this name into your long term memory the next thing you do is associate it with a rhyme of some sort. e.g. Tony the pony. Now every time you see that person for the rest of the night repeat to yourself in your mind "tony the pony" and start to imagine that person as a pony. Once you've got this locked into your mind it's vertually impossible to forget. Some memory improvement tips really are that simple.
The other great thing to do is try to match your rhyme to a common feature about their appearance. By doing this it will help to recognize them in the future as well.
Another common memory improvement tip, when it comes to lists, is to make a word a saying/sentence or just remember the first letters of the list. By doing this it will help to jog your memory to exactly what was on the list. For example if you had to go to the shop and remember 5 items you could do it like follows.
Have a look at your list and in this case we can re-arrange it to be.
B read
L ollies
A pples
C hocolate
K etchup
Now from the first letters in this case it spells Black. Now all you have to do is remember Black and when you get to the supermarket it will help you to know there were 5 things and they started with B L A C K
Once you learn all these easy little memory improvement techniques you'll be able to have a fantastic memory in virtually no time at all. So there you have it, the most important reasons why simple memory improvement tips can improve your life.