But, women are not immune to unhappiness. They, like men, have their share of good 
and bad experiences which either toughens them up or makes them quit. Life is able to 
teach us valuable lessons no matter what gender or age we are. Here are 11 reasons 
why women are unhappy even though social life has changed in the last century.

1. Inequality with men

There is no way of avoiding this issue. The role of women in 
society has changed a lot in the 20th century. They have 
proven themselves to the world that they are capable of hard 
work and devotion. When men were fighting two world wars, 
stayed behind working in the factories, working in the fields 
and taking care of the family. Their efforts were noticed and 
slowly but surely equality was established. But even after so 
many years, a lot of women feel unequal in many aspects of 
social life, and that makes them unhappy.

2. Work and Housework

Passive man 1
Taking care of the housework is not easy when you have a day 
job. It is hard for a woman to be at work half a day then return 
home and continue with the house work. All those assignments 
put a lot of pressure on women’s stamina and health, ergo 

3. Passive Husbands
man on sofa
Some husbands can be very insensible when it comes to 
taking care of the children or helping around the house 
chores. It is the wife responsibility to change the dippers, 
turn on the laundry, clean the house and etc. Since most of 
the husbands feel that those are women’s work, they become
 passive and leave everything to them.

4. The women are less paid than men

less payded woman 3
It is unethical for women to be paid less than men for the 
same assignments at work. Those things are unacceptable 
in companies and bosses often end up with lawsuits if they 
pay women less than men for the same job description. 
Unfortunately, some companies are still doing that and get 
away with it.

5. Men are less paid than women

Unhapy business woman
Yes, even thins can be a problem for a woman. In a 
relationship or in a marriage, when the woman is more paid 
than the man, that seems to cause a problem for the man 
since he is not THE alpha male in the relationship. Their 
unhappiness starts to reflect the woman’s satisfaction. 
In time that bad energy transfers to them and results in 
arguing, problems at home and etc.

6. Men let women pay for romantic dinners

unhappy woman on a date
No matter how much money she makes or he makes, it is a 
traditional non-written rule for the man to pay for dinner. 
Nowadays, insensitive men grow like mushrooms and expect 
the women to pay for every meal they have. Now that is 
totally not-gentlemen like.

7. Trouble to cope with obesity

Women are more sensitive about their looks then men. 
For some reason, there are a lot of men who don’t mind 
being fat or have extra pounds on their hips. Some women 

find that to be attractive after all.
But rarely there is a woman that doesn’t want to have a sexy 

body. Even those who say they don’t mind the extra pounds 
think about losing weight. Obesity leads to unhappiness as 
women try very hard to lose pounds and have an attractive 
body. Some don’t have that problem, others do.

8. Boredom

Women are not immune to boredom. Just like men, they are 
exposed to regular boredom that comes from monotony 
and repeated habitual actions. If boredom continues, then 

unhappiness will be knocking on the door.
Boredom causes a lot of hours spend in front of the TV 

watching meaningless programs. That kind of leisure time 
can easily lead to obesity and another cause for unhappiness.

9. Hanging out with the same people day after day

bored woman with friends
Don’t get this reason the wrong way. Friends are healthy, 
they are always great company and can help you in when you 

need them, but sometimes they can be a bit too boring for you.
Women should expand their circles of friends and 

acquaintances so they don’t end up talking to three or four 
people only. Not all weekends should be spent with the same
 people over and over again. Various people bring 
various experiences and events.

10. Break Ups

break up 2
When relationships have unfortunate ending, the women are 
those that feel the greatest emotional impact. They are the 
ones that need more time heal the wounds from a break up.
 It is in men’s nature not to expose their emotions in public; 
it is their nature to be able to ignore those human emotions 
that cause tears in women’s eyes.
Unhappiness of a bad break up is regular in every woman’s 
life. Once you get emotionally attached to a person, it is hard 
to let those feelings go once a relationship has broken up. 
Women find it hard to change the life from being in a relationship to being single.

11. Single life

single woman
Even though there are ones of women nowadays that prefer the 
single life more than the married life, they do end up some 
nights going to sleep alone and wake up alone in bed 
wondering why that is.
The fear of being bounded by marriage keeps them 
away from matrimony and single life seems much more exciting 
than ever, but once every “single” friend they have starts getting 
married, starts a family, they start seeing the changes. Every friend’s 
family life presents her with the joys of having a family no matter
how tough it may seem. Single women are often unhappy because they haven’t found the love of
 their life … yet.