It has been said the eyes are the windows to the soul, but
they also our windows to look out and observe the world. Eyes are important for
seeing things, reading, working, and even communicating. The eyes are sensitive
though, they work hard and they need time to rest and recover from the constant
strain put on them.

Strain and stress are the main factors affecting poor
eyesight. Everyone is born with
relatively good eyesight. Throughout our school age years we are taught bad
habits that cause our eyes to strain too much. Sitting in a classroom,
constantly staring at a blackboard, books, or paper all day leaves our eyes
tired and stressed. There is no time between classes or subjects to relax the
eyes and give them a few moments of rest. These habits carry over to our adult
lives and we do the same thing at work day in and day out.
The body gives out signals when it needs rest. If we spend
too much time on household chores the backs starts to hurt and the arms get
tired. These signals tell us to take a break, lie down, or just relax for few
minutes. Likewise, they eyes can tell you when they need a break as well. The
head may start hurting, the eyes start to burn a little, or a slight twitch may
develop in one or both eyes. These are signs that the eyes need to rest.
Resting the eyes is as simple as finding a quiet place,
relaxing the mind, and closing the eyes so they can re-energize. Bad eyesight doesn’t have to happen. We can
take steps today to develop the habits that will increase our eyesight for the
rest of our lives.
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