Thursday, March 28, 2013

99 Personal Development Questions Your Brain Will Thank You For

There is a saying ‘ask the right questions and you’ll get the right answer’.

Perhaps too many of us are asking questions that limit our thinking. Or we declare statements to the world which limit all the possibilities.

Going by experience, you’ll probably skim the questions below, that’s okay, that ones that need to stand out to you will show themselves to you. (Not spooky, you actually can probably read much faster than you think you can!)

Who do you blame?

Do you play to work, or work to play?

When did you last laugh so much it hurt?

Can you picture the child you once were?

What advice would you give the ‘5 year old you’?

If you woke up tomorrow with no fear, what would you do first?

What was your biggest worry five years ago, do you still feel the same about it at this minute?

What’s the most marvellous thing you have ever seen with your own eyes?

Who did you last gossip about, how do you feel about it now?

What promises have you never carried through for yourself?

If you could change one personal rule, what would it be?

What relationships have ended? But you can’t let go?

Are you a starter or a finisher?

Where would you take a road trip?

Who in your life do you wish you’d met sooner?

Have you ever expected ‘love in return’? Did you get it?

When did you last say thank you and sincerely mean it?

Can you remember what present you received on your last birthday? Who did you spend it with?

When did you last talk yourself out of something when deep down you wanted to do it?

Do you always want the answer to ‘what are you thinking about?’

Who do you need to get in touch with because it’s been to long?

When did you last do something for nothing in return?

Do you live your life around days of the week?

When did your heart last ‘skip a beat’? Why?

How are things going for you, now?

How do Mondays feel for you?

Do your practice ‘self love’ or ‘self loathing’?

What’s your greatest achievement to date?

What must you do daily to keep yourself ‘sane’ ?

Is a year past more important than the next hour to come?

What scares you about your future? Does it matter if it isn’t even here yet?

If you could spend ten minutes with your ‘hero’ alive or dead what would you ask them?

How many hours a week do you spend watching tele and on the internet? How many hours do you spend alone with you?

If we all died at 35, what have you still to do? What did you miss?

If you had to move country tomorrow, where would you go?

What answers are you seeking about your life?

Why does pizza come in a square box?

What are you just not seeing?

Would you love to spend quality time with you?

What aspects of you, do you keep hidden from close friends but expose to loved ones?

Do you like the sound of your own voice? How does it sound when you are complaining?

When did you last listen to the sound of your own breathing?

Are you a goal setter or a ‘whatever will be, will be’ person?

When did you last judge someone who you didn’t know?

What do you need to learn but won’t admit to?

What would you call your autobiography?

How would you hate to be described?

What genius would you be? Why?

When did you last make a mistake and be okay with it?

What would happen if you knew you could not fail?

How does it feel to be photographed?

What do you wish you had invented?

Is trust more important than love, or is it the other way round?

If you could erase an event from your mind, which one would you choose?

What learning from today are you taking into tomorrow?

What makes you special, unique and talented?

If you could ‘dare yourself’ what would it be?

What would your perfect day look like?

What life legacy are you leaving?

Who do you dispose your garbage on?

Are you living your life, or having a life?

What have you given up but used to love?

What one thing do you need to do next to improve your life?

Do you want your children (if you have any) to be ‘just like you’?

Do you stand for what you believe in or are you pleasing others?

What do you consistently attract in your life that is no longer good enough for you?

What questions here have you skipped over because they are too hard for you to handle?

Are you playing games with yourself where the rules are preventing you from reaching your goals?

What does praise and admiration sound like to you?

What does the life you want to live look like?

What risk do you need to take?

How long are you going to be dead?

Would you fall head over heels in love with you?

Are you making your difference in the world or stagnating?

If you woke up tomorrow with a habit gone, what would it be?

If money were no concern, what would you do for the rest of your life?

What negative experience keep happening time and time again for you? When are you going to learn from them?

What (or whom) drains your energy, why do you let it happen?

Where in your life do you give up accountability?

What’s your earliest memory of achievement?

What does it feel like to change?

Is tomorrow really another day?

What are you thankful for, this moment?

Do you need to see things before you believe them?

If your life were a TV programme, what would it be?

Would you rather be poor and healthy or rich and ill?

If you could learn a new skill today, what would it be?

What in your life exhilarates you? Do you do enough of it?

Do you have any questions you are scared to ask yourself?

When did you last argue with yourself? Was it purposeful?

Would you defend a loved one, if they were breaking the law?

When did you last say something and automatically regret it?

Can you hear your enemies talk about you? What are they saying?

If you could talk to everyone in the world for 5 minutes, what would you say?

Who’s permission are you wanting on to achieve your goals? Will it actually come?

When is the right time to start a new goal?

When did you last speak well of you?

When did you last lie and regret it?

Would you risk making a mistake?

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