When employees feel motivated, they engage more with
their work and can affect the entire team’s output. You have a vested interest
in the quality of your team’s work, obviously, but you also have a
responsibility to contribute towards their job satisfaction.
Of course, every individual will relate to different
methods of motivation, but here are six ways of keeping your team’s spirits
Make them feel valued
Don’t underestimate the importance of recognising
and praising hard work. If an employee feels they are making a difference and
helping reach targets they feel a sense of purpose and valued by the
Manage well
Clear leadership and frequent communication will aid
your team’s success and avoid any feelings of being left in the dark.
Encourage career progression
If an employee sees little room for advancement they
may feel they have nothing to work towards. Create extra responsibilities for
staff to expand their experience and put them in better stead for promotions.
Provide training and development opportunities and as well as showing employees
you’re confident in them your team will also benefit from the added expertise.
Create a good working environment
The office atmosphere can have a powerful impact on
the way people work. Any conflict or negativity will almost certainly restrict
workflow, so make sure you’re providing appropriate platforms for employee
Give them responsibility
An employee who only receives small, menial tasks is
bound to get fed up with their role. Likewise if someone’s been overloaded with
work they might struggle under the pressure. Try to delegate responsibilities
that will add variety to an employee’s day.
Define their career paths
As well as developing your staff for progression
opportunities, it’s important to show them where you think they’re headed and
helping them get there. Regular appraisals and target-setting provide a good
setting for this, and are also a good opportunity to review and praise your
employees’ work.
Finding out how to motivate employees
Anonymous employee surveys are a good way of finding
out the mood of your team. The results of the survey may highlight changes you
need to make or bring to your attention any issues you weren’t already aware
You can also use appraisals as a way of finding out
if any employees are feeling demotivated, but you might find they are less
willing to say anything directly to you. However, it’s worth using the
opportunity to ask what changes you could make that your staff think would
improve productivity and morale.
From a candidate attraction point of view, a big
benefit of taking the time to find out what motivates your staff is that it
will help your reputation as an employer of choice. Job satisfaction is high on
the list of priorities for many job seekers.
Images are courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Images are courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net
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