If you think goal setting is hard, think again.
That’s the easy part. The hard part is actuallyachieving those goals. Unless of
course you are motivated to achieve the goals!
If you’re struggling with goal setting and how to
get motivated, here are some tips:
Break your goals into bite-size pieces
This is something I did a lot of last year, and it
helped me immensely with the goals I had set for myself.
Setting large goals is perfectly fine, but you’re
never going to be able to achieve those goals if you don’t work out a plan for
achieving them.
When you break your goals down into bite-size
pieces, and are doing just one or two small things a day to get you where you
want to be, your chances of achieving those goals is much higher than if you
did not break those goals down.
Tell everyone about your goals
When other people know about your goals, you feel
bad if you “let them down” by not achieving them. This makes it much harder for
you to fail.
Tell your friends, family, colleagues, neighbours,
your boss – tell anyone who will listen. Most importantly, tell people who are
going to hold you accountable and constantly check in on your progress. This is
exactly what you need to keep moving forward.
Post your goals everywhere
Make sure that your goals are posted everywhere that
you are.
Instead of writing out your goals on a piece of
paper (or worse, on the computer) and then sticking that paper in a spot where
you will never see it unless you go looking for it, display your goals all over
the place.
In your office, on your bathroom mirror, on the
refrigerator, in the car. When you are always reminded about your goals, you
are much more likely to achieve them.
To keep yourself motivated, it’s also a good idea to
post your progress.
Don’t compare your goals to others’
Share your goals with others, but don’t think that
your goals have to be the same as someone else’s.
We all have different hopes, dreams and desires. You
don’t (and probably shouldn’t) have the exact same goal list as someone else.
Your goals are your own, so stay focused on them and
only them.
Join an online forum related to your goal
Whatever you are interested in, there is likely a
community forum related to that interest.
There are forums for saving money, getting out of
debt, couponing, quitting smoking, living a healthy lifestyle, exercising,
parenting, cooking and so much more.
Do a quick search online and you are sure to find a
forum to join. Sign up and start connecting with people who have similar goals
as you.
Reward yourself often
Don’t wait until the end of the year to congratulate
yourself on a job well done – congratulate yourself now.
Just taking the first step in creating a goal, and a
plan for that goal, is a huge accomplishment.
Give yourself small rewards after each milestone,
and at the end of the year, if you’ve achieved your goals, you’ve earned a big
reward (decide what that big reward is when you set your goals, so you know
what’s waiting for you at the end).
Motivating yourself to achieve your goals may seem
difficult at first, but it’s really not, and it’s an important thing to do when
you’re working toward something.
Without motivation, it becomes extremely difficult
to gain any traction and it’s more than likely that you will give up on your
goals rather quickly.
When you motivate yourself, you can achieve
anything. So start motivating!
Pictures are courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net
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