Friday, November 23, 2012

Self-Esteem - Your Inner Compass

To have good or poor self-esteem is probably the most crucial factor in determining what you will achieve in life.

A good self-esteem is just as fundamental to feel good and feel safe in life, as attending school every day is to learn to read and write is.

Why is it so important to have self-esteem? You can have the best education, job and background, but feel as though that you fail in everything you do. If our self-esteem is not good, we are automatically drawn to people and situations that confirm what we think about ourselves. It will be make it impossible to have balance in life, wherever you are in life in terms of career, family, etc.

You have probably seen it again and again, where you see someone you think has everything, but is still drinking, taking drugs, eating or working themselves to death. Their external success shows all the glory, but their poor self-esteem is killing the person slowly and effectively from the inside.

No doctor, psychologist or pills can save that person from a destructive life, until he starts to take hold of working on his self-esteem. It goes without saying that the temporary measures to solve things on the surface are being utilized, but without balance within, there will be no lasting results. Look at all successful businessmen / women, musicians, athletes who have all the money in the world, but still can not get any balance in life.

What caused this? One reason is all the demands from society that we as individuals, need to be fit in. If you look closer at this, parents have very few rights, as to how a child is formed during his or her upbringing. There are doctors, teachers, government agencies, newspapers, neighbors, etc., which put different demands on how the child should be and act. That means that all the good self-esteem that the child is born with, disappears and is soon gone forever.

No wonder that so many children, teenagers and adults have challenges with their identity, which then shows itself as different types of problems within society. The importance of us all having the same down jacket, appearance, and knowledge, for example, makes many people's self-esteem ruined for ever.

The key is to let the child develop as much as possible, without being placed in the position of caring what others think is right and wrong. The child's unique talents then come forth and the person becomes a strong individual who does what they want in life, rather than to live a life where they have to fit into society.

If you already have poor self-esteem, there are measures you can do. Here are five tips:

1. Make sure you do what you want with your life
2. Do not get stuck thinking that you have to be good enough in front of others
3. Realize that you are good enough, regardless of what others think about you
4. Dare to do and be different
5. Do not let anyone insult you. Remember that we often insult ourselves

Good Luck!

Hans Thorn, Success Coach

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