Friday, July 17, 2015

4 Tips To Overcome Procrastination

It can feel pretty lonely being an entrepreneur - You may have spent your whole working life amongst other adults and now, for whatever reason you have chosen to get into action creating your dream business but so far, the results leave a lot to be desired but you are set on this path.

You may have moment of doubt but you know you do not want to go back to working for someone else.

The only problem you seem to be coming against is the desire to procrastinate about getting things done and this is delaying the success you know could be yours if you would just get into action and stay in action.

Here is a quick tipsheet for getting past procrastination and doing whatever it takes to create the successful business you know you want.

Decide what your true priorities are - Sometimes, the reason you are procrastinating is because you are not really committed to the goal that this particular action will bring you so it is okay to choose not to go blindly forward. Take the time to be sure that this is what you want to do and set true priorities that you can get behind.

Figure out what skills you need to move yourself forward - It may be that you do not have the skill required to get the work done. IN which case, it is okay to take a little time to read up on the skill or even to take a course to ensure you feel confident enough to make a move. Let this not become a way of distracting you from action. Make sure that the training process you take is very practical so you can immediately start to implement what you learn.

Decide how long the task is likely to take - Get a true idea of how long it is likely to take as sometimes, the problem is that you imagine it is going to take too long so you keep delaying it. Like a child who is being asked to clean their room, you keep hoping that if you delay long enough, it will get done by itself instead of realizing that the longer you drag your feet, the longer the whole thing takes. Get clear on how long it will take and schedule it in now.

Get to work and make it happen - At this point, it is time to stop thinking of reasons not to take action and choose to deliberately do the work. You may find it pretty helpful to have someone hold you accountable so work with a coach or a helpful friend and ask them to hold you to it.

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