Friday, July 17, 2015

Exercise Motivation: How To Get It And Hold On To It

Exercise is a vital part of being healthy and staying in shape. We all know this, yet knowing it and actually working out are two very different things.

Lack of motivation, procrastination and not having enough time are some of the biggest obstacles we face in sticking with a regular workout routine. Our success is often determined by how much we want it and what we are willing to do to get it.


The hardest part of any undertaking is taking that first step. Once we take that first step we start to gain momentum. With momentum comes a great surge of motivation.

After we start to gain motivation the workouts get easier and easier. Staying motivated is the key to long term success.

Now that we have talked about how momentum creates motivation, let's take a step back and ask ourselves...

How do we get the motivation to take that first step?

Motivation in the form of a conscious decision is what is required to take that first step. That is what often makes that first step so hard.

We have to create the initial motivation to begin, after all, "energy in motion wants to stay in motion, while energy at rest wants to stay at rest."


Motivation is the catalyst for creating momentum. A little motivation goes a long way and can create endless momentum if channeled properly. Staying motivated takes a conscious choice and decision to keep going.

Find your reason for working out and use that as motivation. The more you want it the more motivation you will feel.

Imagine for a moment the things you do in your life on a regular basis, and why you do them.

For example, if you watch football every week without fail, consider why?

If you love to go to the movies, as yourself why?

Do you mow your lawn every week, why?

Do you clean your house regularly, why?

Do you go to work every day? Why?

All the "whys" are the motivators that keep you doing those activities.

While some that were mentioned may be fun activities, house cleaning and mowing the lawn are not so much, and still we do them on a regular basis.

Work is another good example of something we may not necessarily enjoy, but, we still do it. Why? Because we have to work to earn money to buy food and pay rent or else we will end up homeless and starving.

Well at some point you accepted these facts and do not question them as you go off to work even on days when you would rather do anything else.

It is possible to reach that same level of commitment to fitness, with the proper motivation that is.

Common Motivations To Workout

Here are some of the most common reasons people commit to fitness:

Being a role model for the kids
Weight control
Having a hot body
Preventing chronic disease and early death
Healthy aging
Energy and vitality
Meeting new people at the gym
You must find yours and take it seriously for just as you can wind up homeless and hungry when you don't go to work, so you can end up sick, fat and facing early death without exercise.

Action Steps To Stay Motivated

Set a goal and focus on it and put all your energy into it. Don't overwhelm yourself with a bunch of tasks all at once. Even taking it a week at a time can work wonders, as you build momentum and go from there.

Be passionate about what you are doing. Passion is motivation in a bottle.

Stay away from people that will hinder your motivation, such as, the couch potatoes that we all have in our lives. Instead, meet people at the gym that have a fitness mindset and create a network of fitness minded friends.

Pick a set time to workout and stick to it. Use TV, or social time as a reward after you have done your exercises.

Keep track of your progress and the goals that you have achieved. These achievements are key to helping to maintain your motivation.

Practice a healthy lifestyle along with your workouts. Eat healthy, be healthy.

Have fun with your workout routine, choose wisely from the hundreds of available workouts, enjoying your workout will make it much more likely that you will stick with it.

Challenge yourself! Don't let your exercise routine become boring. Add new challenges to stimulate and motivate yourself.

Join a group fitness class. They are fun and highly motivating and they also offer a wide variety of ways to meet any fitness goals.
There are many different ways to increase your motivation and to keep it strong, as long as you are willing to take action and create the momentum needed.

Ultimately it is all up to you. Take the time and do it right by creating motivation and holding onto it.

How To Prepare Personal Development Green Juice

Hi, buddies, How are you? Konstantin Petrou is here . Best regards to you from Dubai – city of millionaires. When I was talking with Top Affiliate Marketing Experts I noticed that many of them are very much health conscious. Many of them keeping healthy life style and particularly, I know Mark Anastasi, Matt Traverso, Erlend Bakker, and possibly others like Mark Ling, Missy Ward, Shawn Collins, Kirsty Mccubbin, John Chow, Sarah Bundy - drink in the morning green juice. I am trying to practice green juice every morning, go and watch this video – it is easy to make, it will give you a lot of benefits – it is excellent start of the day it will alkalize your body, give you vitamins and energy for the further rest of the day. Let me know if you are also practicing some healthy stuff or healthy diet? To learn more about affiliate marketing business/lifestyle please do not hesitate to connect with me via

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How To Release Yourself And Live Your Vision To The Fullest

What does that word release mean? That word release means to be free from confinement, bondage, obligation and restraints. Confinement is everything that tries to keep you from mentally, emotionally, or physically moving forth into your vision.

Be released from negative thinking that something cannot be done, because it requires this or that. Refuse to allow money to become a defining factor in your life. Too many times people are holding themselves back, because they feel they do not have what it takes to get started.

There are people still sitting around waiting, until they get a certain amount of money and they have been waiting over 35 years. If you really want something bad enough you will make a way to get it done. So, why not make a move, when it involves your future?

Realize how much money is wasted every day to fuel depression or an addiction? People purchase all kind of things and go into debt, because there is an urge to satisfy a void, or unfulfilled desire.

Allowing your mind to be undisciplined and running away, instead of harnessing that vision inside of you is a dangerous thing. Your mind is the most powerful asset that you possess. Learn to use your mind in an effective way and watch how your life will spring forth. You can be victorious in every area of your life.

Too many times people concentrate on what they cannot do. Well, how do you know if you are just sitting around doing nothing? You have to believe. Set your mind in a position to believe that you can have what you desire.

Refuse to allow yourself to live in defeat. You have the power to rise from any situation and possess whatever will make a positive impact in the lives of others. What is housed on the inside of you has the ability to affect many people. The number is so great that you cannot even count.

I see this happening. That is why I am speaking this to you. You have to see it and in order to see it you have to believe. Believe that you can accomplish your heart's desire. Your vision is precious, so you have to guard what is on the inside of your heart. If there is someone who does not appreciate what you are saying, then there is no need to explain anything to them.

Release yourself from other people's opinions. No one's opinions should ever define you. How many people have allowed themselves to be shaped by other's opinions and conformed to their thinking patterns? Realize that you are an individual, who has your own DNA.

You are not a carbon copy and most of all nothing should dictate defeat, when you are seeking to walk in victory. Keep your mouth shut. Stop getting your feelings hurt and withdrawing back into your shell.

Learn you cannot tell everybody your vision. They do not understand. So release yourself from talking too much to people who cannot see where you are going.

Release yourself from worry. Begin to move forward and watch doors open. Worrying is frustrating. How many times have you worried about something that never even happened? It was all in the mind. The mind is powerful. Learn to use it for your benefit, instead of worrying, that causes you to erode from the inside.

Release yourself from doubt. Doubt means to be uncertain. It also means being undecided. When you want a change make a decision that allows for no turning back. Be definite and sure about your future and watch the peace that will begin to flood your heart.

Avoid opening the door to fear, because you can do anything that you focus your mind on. Focus your mind and dismiss doubt. It is your time to make a change. You can do it.

Release yourself from limiting beliefs. We live in a world of abundance. There is abundance all around us. The reason some people are living in lack is because of their mindset.

Avoid adapting to limited beliefs and living habits and begin elevating your mind toward abundance. You will begin to see things in a whole different light. Ideas will become illuminated and you will soar above every circumstance and situation.

You cannot think on the negative for too long, because it will find itself on the inside of your mind. Be aware of your thinking, so you can rid yourself of those negative thought patterns and limiting beliefs immediately.

Refuse to live in whatever will be will be. Awareness of your thoughts will help shape your direction in life. You do not have to accept everything that you hear or imagine. Choose to think on things that have a good report. Shape your future, by changing your mindset.

Release yourself from not knowing how to do something. In this computer age you can find out how to do anything. There are vast resources available online that can assist you in becoming an expert in a short amount of time.

The information is so great out there and you can learn how to do many things. Pull up web sites from people in your field and see what they are doing and explore how each one presents his or her company. You have to be willing and you can accomplish much.

Release yourself from your surroundings. Just because you were born on the other side of the tracks does not mean you have to continue to live in that mental environment. It is time to make a decision to move on and stop feeling sorry for yourself.

Get rid of any anger issues, because anger will block you from receiving whatever you are seeking. Anger does not affect the other person. It only affects you. So, stop missing out when you can be living a fulfilled life. Forgive, move on, because life is too short for regrets.

Release yourself from toxic relationships. You can be unhappy and miserable all by yourself. Why invite someone who has a toxic attitude to dump their toxic waste into your life. You are not a garbage disposal. Surround yourself with people who are moving forward in life. These are people who are not just hearers and doers, but also finishers.

In the natural when the hazard crew comes to a toxic site they wear protective gear, so that the toxins do not contaminate them. Likewise, protect your heart from contaminates of negativity and being unproductive.

Release yourself from self-defeat. What is self-defeat? Self-defeat is something that begins to work on the inside and slowly starts eating away at a person from the inside out.

You can see what you intend to do. You may even begin a project, but you allow fear to enter in, because you do not want to fail. As long as you are working alone everything is fine, but the minute someone else enters the picture you withdraw. You do not want others to see your weakness.

Realize that everyone makes mistakes and mistakes are excellent learning tools to teach us how to become successful. Failure is just the opposite of success. Analyze a situation. If this is what happened to cause failure, then just turn it around and you will find success.

Instead of trying to be a perfectionist devote yourself to excellence. Give everything you have to achieve a goal. Do the best that you can and forget about comparing yourself to others. You cannot give what you do not possess on the inside.

You be the best you that you can be. Allow your vision to flourish. You have been living in a mental restrictive environment for too long. It is time that you realize that the best is yet to come.

So, why not shift gears and make a concentrated effort that allows for no turning back. I know that this is moving you out of your comfort zone, but that is okay, because this is your year of release.

Affiliate Marketing Expert tested GoPro Camera at Dubai Beach

Hi, there! Here is Konstantin Petrou from Dubai-city of millionaires. Recently I was on vocation and I bought GoPro camera, so decided to test it at Dubai beach and made this video.
Frankly speaking I was expecting more fauna as normally waters are infested with fish, crabs, sea stars and cuttlefish, but there were not that many as well as residents of nearest houses who were just sleeping as it was early morning. How you use your GoPro Camera?
Enjoy !

4 Tips To Overcome Procrastination

It can feel pretty lonely being an entrepreneur - You may have spent your whole working life amongst other adults and now, for whatever reason you have chosen to get into action creating your dream business but so far, the results leave a lot to be desired but you are set on this path.

You may have moment of doubt but you know you do not want to go back to working for someone else.

The only problem you seem to be coming against is the desire to procrastinate about getting things done and this is delaying the success you know could be yours if you would just get into action and stay in action.

Here is a quick tipsheet for getting past procrastination and doing whatever it takes to create the successful business you know you want.

Decide what your true priorities are - Sometimes, the reason you are procrastinating is because you are not really committed to the goal that this particular action will bring you so it is okay to choose not to go blindly forward. Take the time to be sure that this is what you want to do and set true priorities that you can get behind.

Figure out what skills you need to move yourself forward - It may be that you do not have the skill required to get the work done. IN which case, it is okay to take a little time to read up on the skill or even to take a course to ensure you feel confident enough to make a move. Let this not become a way of distracting you from action. Make sure that the training process you take is very practical so you can immediately start to implement what you learn.

Decide how long the task is likely to take - Get a true idea of how long it is likely to take as sometimes, the problem is that you imagine it is going to take too long so you keep delaying it. Like a child who is being asked to clean their room, you keep hoping that if you delay long enough, it will get done by itself instead of realizing that the longer you drag your feet, the longer the whole thing takes. Get clear on how long it will take and schedule it in now.

Get to work and make it happen - At this point, it is time to stop thinking of reasons not to take action and choose to deliberately do the work. You may find it pretty helpful to have someone hold you accountable so work with a coach or a helpful friend and ask them to hold you to it.