Although first impressions can be totally deceiving, almost everyone judges you based on that first impression. This means you entire future relationship with anyone can depend on it (and often that first impression is just a few seconds).
Here are some great ways to make a good first impression:
Be Well-Groomed
Not everyone will admit it but most people allow someone's physical appearance to make a contribution to their first impression of that person. Sloppy personal hygiene can indicate lack of interest. The deduction (but not always the truth) from this is that if someone does not pay attention to their own body, why would they pay attention to you or their role towards you.
Dress Neatly
Some people are millionaires but dress in shorts and an old t-shirt because they don't care and it's comfortable. However, if you are dressed neatly or stylishly, you will often make a good impression on someone, A suit and tie are not necessary, as long as your clothes look good and match the occasion.
Be On Time
Being on time is very important for a first impression. If you have an appointment, a meeting or a date, it is always better to be 5 minutes early and have to wait than to be too late. Being on time shows that you have integrity and do as you promise and that you respect the other person's time. Like I said, very important!
Good Manners
Good manners go a long way in contributing to a good first impression. A good introduction, holding the door open for someone, being the last to sit and speaking with two words (yes Sir or yes Mam) are examples of good etiquette.
Be Polite
Being polite kind of falls in the same category as having good manners. Don't interrupt people while they are talking, ask them how they are doing, be polite to the people around that person who you are making a first impression on etc.
Be Authentic
You can usually tell the difference between someone who is fake and someone who is authentic within minutes of talking to them. People who are fake and who say and do things only to impress others are not liked by many. Strive to let all your actions and words be authentic. Mean what you say and do something because you believe in it and want to do it.
A smile goes a long way and is sometimes enough to brighten someone's entire day. Seeing someone smile often makes me want to smile and this is a great effect to have on other people. If you can make someone smile and laugh from the moment you meet them, you can count on it that you made a good first impression on them.
Give a Genuine Compliment
Try to notice something about someone that really stands out and give them a genuine compliment for it. Flattery always works, especially when it comes from the heart and you mean what you say.
Help Someone
Showing that you care about others and don't only think about yourself will definitely help you make a good first impression. It doesn't mean that you have to go out of your way to try to make that good impression. If someone happens to cross paths with you that could use some help and it won't cost you much, then help them out.
Take Initiative
People like people who take initiative. People who take initiative are often known as leaders, because they do not wait for other people to tell them what to do and when to do it. Leaders are respected, they make decisions and they take initiative.
Take Interest In The Other Person
Don't try to talk about yourself too much. Rather, take interest in the other person. Who are they, what are they all about? Get them to talk about themselves, most people love this. People want to feel important. The more personal stories you can get them to tell, the more likely it is that they will be impressed.
Be Humble
Even if you are very successful, have a lot of money or are really famous, try not to use it as a way to impress people. Someone will be a lot more impressed if they know these things about you but that you did not try to flaunt it in their face.
Body Language
90% of communication is non-verbal. This is exactly why it is so important to have correct body language. Here are a few tips:
-Sit up straight (don't slouch)
-Walk erect (shoulders back)
-Maintain Eye Contact (don't look away all the time)
-Relaxed (not fidgety or nervous)
-Confident Actions (do everything with intent and purpose)
-Walk erect (shoulders back)
-Maintain Eye Contact (don't look away all the time)
-Relaxed (not fidgety or nervous)
-Confident Actions (do everything with intent and purpose)
Have Fun
This is probably one of the more important things to make a good first impression. Have fun with whatever you do and be positive. This conveys that you are not doing anything to make an impression, you are not there to take value from the other person. Instead you give value and your spread your positivity and enthusiasm.
This is probably one of the more important things to make a good first impression. Have fun with whatever you do and be positive. This conveys that you are not doing anything to make an impression, you are not there to take value from the other person. Instead you give value and your spread your positivity and enthusiasm. Pictures are courtesy of
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