To Eat that Frog, is a time management term that means to do your worst task first. Every morning organize your tasks, and choose the biggest and worst tasks to to do first.
By doing this you will eliminate the opportunity to push it back through out the day and not complete it. Eating that Frog with help you achieve all of your goals more efficiently and enable you to have better prioritization habits.
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Time Management - Five Steps to Lower Stress & Higher Productivity

"Until you value yourself, you won't value your time. Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it."
~M. Scott Peck
~M. Scott Peck
What exactly does the term Time Management mean? Books have been written, theories studied, and systems developed to help us better manage our precious time, and you may have read about or tried some of these ideas.
I have not made a new discovery on how to stretch time, or developed a new way to manipulate time. I do believe that time management is simply a matter of making the decision to set priorities and focusing your efforts towards those goals.
These could be long-term goals, or merely daily priorities. If you decide to commit to the things you want to get done, you will be able to make the time available to do them. Time management is a mindset.
So, stop looking for that time to get this or that done; you will never find it, because it is not lost; you are living it. In order to make better use of the time you have to achieve your goals, and feel more productive, there are a just few basic principles to master.
First, you need to be able to recognize what is important to you, and understand the difference between important and urgent.
Important tasks:
Help us achieve long-term goals, or have other long-term significance.
Help us achieve long-term goals, or have other long-term significance.
Urgent tasks:
May need immediate attention to avoid a crisis, but are not necessarily important in the long-term.
May need immediate attention to avoid a crisis, but are not necessarily important in the long-term.
Make the following five time management strategies into habits and you will begin to see your productivity increase and the chaos decrease.
1. Set your priorities - Write down your goals, and don't be vague. Be very specific with what you want, when you want it, and the steps you need to take to get there. Break your goal down to manageable chunks, and give yourself specific tasks to achieve each step.
2. Make lists - Limit your daily to-do list to 6 items or less. If you list is too long, you will feel defeated when you are unable to complete it. Prioritize the items on your list and try to devote 80% of your time and energy on the important tasks. Of course, there will be some days that nothing important gets done, because the urgent items dominate.
3. Eliminate distractions - People, phones, clutter, hunger, e-mails, you name it; they can eat up entire workdays. Be aware of what your distractions are and learn to filter them out. Take care of necessary details before you sit down to start a project, and remember the important vs. urgent rule.
4. Schedule time for planning - Develop the habit of planning for tomorrow, the night before. Take a few minutes to clean up your work area, make your to-do list, bringing forward any tasks that did not get completed, and mentally prepare for the next day. Your subconscious will help organize your thoughts while you sleep. To quote Alan Lakein - "Failing to plan is planning to fail."
5. Use some kind of calendar, day planner or PDA - Find a format that suits your work style and make using it a habit.
There is one big time-eater that you must learn to recognize and manage, and that is procrastination, although procrastinating is not always a bad thing. There are many tasks we put off because we are doing something more important, and that is a good thing, usually. It is only when we put things off to do something less important, or to do nothing, that procrastinating becomes a problem. Paul
Graham says in his essay, Good and Bad Procrastination, "I think the way to "solve" the problem of procrastination is to let delight pull you instead of making a to-do list push you. Work on an ambitious project you really enjoy, and sail as close to the wind as you can, and you'll leave the right things undone." He contends that important projects require large blocks of uninterrupted time, when inspiration hits, and that to-do lists and errands will reduce that productive flow.
While Mr. Graham's advice flies in the face of the time management tips I just listed, I do agree with his concept. If you are working effectively on a project that is important to you, the idea of interrupting that work to do less important items on your to-do list, does seem counter productive. Those less important items can always be moved to the next day's list.
It comes back to priorities again. What is important to you? Have a very clear understanding of your priorities, not only for a particular day, but also for the long-term. Create the space and time to achieve your goals, and understand that there is never time enough to do everything, and that is OK. Images are courtesy of
11 Keys to Increasing Your Productivity
Personal productivity is the key differentiation between the people who succeed in their chosen field and those who do not. Watch this video and learn how to set goals and how to be productive to achieve a higher level of success.
Higher Productivity Starting Right Now - 5 Easy Steps

Is that you howling mournfully behind the piles on your desk? Are your to-do's getting steadily deeper every day? Here are 5 easy, practical, time management skills that will give you back your life, quickly eliminate the past due to-do's, and start a stress reduction habit.
Sound good? OK, let's get started.
FIRST THINGS FIRST: Take just a few minutes right now and list your most urgent projects. Write them down. Number the projects in order of importance. In other words, make a plan of attack & put it right where you can see it. Repeat this exercise quickly at the end of every day so there is no doubt what needs top priority tomorrow.
BOOK TIME WITH YOURSELF: Get out your weekly calendar and book an appointment with yourself. Schedule time every day when you will focus on getting through your list of priorities in order of importance. OK, some days may not work, but that is no reason to get discouraged and stop. The farther out you go the more control you will have over your schedule. Pick times when you are most productive. My best thinking and writing time is the first couple of hours in the morning. What is best for you? Now, guard that time and ask that others leave you alone then too. No calls, no emails, no 'drop-ins', just you and your top priority project getting done.
PUT THE MOST IMPORTANT THINGS ON TOP: As you dive into your work push hard. In the time you have booked with yourself get all you can do done on the most important (most overdue?) top priority project. That way, even if all you get done today is that one thing it will have been the one that has been causing you the greatest worry. Keep it on the list until it is done then start on the next #1 project.
DO HARD THINGS FIRST: When you do the hardest things FIRST in your day, it gives your entire life a boost. You will feel more confident, have more energy and you can't help but be more creative and positive. In short you will be your old self! You also will find it is lots easier to tackle the next challenge on your list because you have proven to yourself and others that you can handle the tough stuff.
STICK TO THE PLAN: Book your own time to get these projects done every day and jealously guard it just as you would if it were time booked with an important client or business partner. Be cautious of the unexpected things such as looking at jokes on your email or that last minute lunch invite that pops up in the middle of the day to distract you from your plan. It doesn't mean you can't do them, but make sure the things on the top of your list are done before you let those other things steal both your time and your success.
OK, take a deep breath. Now make that list and start from this very minute to reduce your stress and reclaim your desk from those nasty piles.
Friday, May 24, 2013
The Science of Productivity
In today’s busy world, we seem to be obsessed with the idea of “productivity” and “work hacks”.
It’s easy to see why: being able to get more done allows us to get ahead in life, and even gives us more time to do the things we love outside of work.
The problem we run into, however, is that it is easy to get motivated, but hard to stay disciplined. This is because most of us look at productivity in the wrong way: it’s not about signing up for the latest task management tool (which, admit it, you’ll use for a week and soon abandon) or chaining yourself to your desk, it’s about understanding the science behind how your brain works, and using it to your advantage.
Today, we’ll look at what science has unveiled about the human brain and productive work, and you’ll learn how to tackle the biggest pitfalls that sabotage your ability to get things done. All You Need to Know About Productivity (in a 3 Minute Video!)
The problem we run into, however, is that it is easy to get motivated, but hard to stay disciplined. This is because most of us look at productivity in the wrong way: it’s not about signing up for the latest task management tool (which, admit it, you’ll use for a week and soon abandon) or chaining yourself to your desk, it’s about understanding the science behind how your brain works, and using it to your advantage.
Today, we’ll look at what science has unveiled about the human brain and productive work, and you’ll learn how to tackle the biggest pitfalls that sabotage your ability to get things done. All You Need to Know About Productivity (in a 3 Minute Video!)
Sunday, May 19, 2013
7 Symptoms of Procrastination and How to Fight Them
We all do it
to some degree or another; put off for tomorrow what we know should be done
today. Postpone the inevitable pain for the current moment of pleasure. But we
know that even if we can manage to put it out of our minds for the present, it
will eventually come around and bite us on the butt and disturb our external
calm demeanor.
Below are
some of the symptoms of a Procrastinator and the remedies to try.
1. Lack of
Not having a
clear vision for the future is one of the biggest reasons people procrastinate.
If you can’t see the benefits of completing certain tasks why would you bother
starting them?
Remedy: Have
a clear picture of all that needs to be achieved and the reasons why, you are
much more likely to be motivated to get going and get things done.
2. Lack of
Lack of time
is the most popular excuse banded about for not getting things done. But
fortunately there are very few people in this world that don’t have the scope
for becoming at least 10% more efficient. Being busy doesn’t equate to being
efficient. Regularly when someone lacks time in their lives, it is due to poor
organization skills, poor prioritization or the inability to say no.
Learn to become more efficient with one’s time. This can free up many hours a
week to get the more important stuff done.
3. Lack of
The infamous
words of Peter Druker say it clearly “Fail to Plan and Plan to Fail”. If you
are disorganized and don’t keep a schedule you are likely to forget tasks and
miss deadlines.
Keeping a schedule will help you to track all the tasks that you have to do and
ensure that tasks aren’t forgotten.
4. Tiredness
Some will
use the excuse of being too tired to get started. Many people delay and procrastinate
on their home duties because they are too tired when they get home from work.
Remedy: Find
out the reason for your tiredness. Are you eating right? Are you exercising?
Not getting enough sleep? Find your reason and try to remedy it by changing
your ways.
5. Fear
Fear of the
outcome can be another delaying factor. Some people fear failure; they won’t be
able to do the task to a good enough standard so they delay in getting started.
Others — believe it or not — fear success. They may know that by completing a
certain task, the outcome may lead them places they are unsure they want to go.
Remedy: Become clear about the consequences of
completing or not completing a task.
brings Power”
- Anthony
6. Easily
In the
modern age we are bombarded with technology and external stimulation that it
becomes more difficult to stay focused.
Remedy: Turn
of email notifications and only check emails at allocated times during your
day. Switch off your phone and allow messages to go to voicemail. Close your
office door and let people know you are not to be disturbed. Remember to stay
in control of your technology and not let it control you.
7. Feeling
Some tasks
at hand can make us feel overwhelmed, mostly because we don’t know how to get
Break it down into bite sized chunks. Then break it down even more. Plan each
part of the task so that you are focusing on completing the sub task rather
than the overall task. This helps to feel in control and not overwhelmed. Zoom
in and zoom out every now and again to make sure you are moving forward with
the overall task.
But the best
and simplest advice is to make a start on any important task. No matter how
small or how insignificant in the overall picture, just get moving. In keeping
with the laws of physics — “An object in motion tends to stay in motion” — you
can start to get rid of procrastination by moving forward.
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Navy SEAL Training - Self Confidence - Froglogic Motivational Training
Former Navy SEAL, and top motivational speaker David B. Rutherford explains his motivational training program. The Froglogic Concept is a two part program to help forge an individual's Self-Confidence and inspire him or her to live a team orientated lifestyle.
The Fastest Way To Build Self-Confidence
In her video "The Fastest Way to Build Self-Confidence", Dr.Sharon Melnick shares the secrets of her research at Harvard Medical School as to why people get in their own way.
Confidence: 10 Steps to Improving Your Confidence and Self Esteem
In this video professional male image consultant and style expert Aaron Marino outlines 10 simple steps to increase self esteem and confidence. Confidence is key to living a great life and feeling amazing about yourself.
Four Myths About Building Self-Confidence
People who have self-confidence believe in themselves and feel that they are capable of achieving what they want in life, or dealing with any situation that they may have to face. They have an aura of self-confidence and self-assurance, which is apparent to others. People like to spend time with them; they feel comfortable and secure in their presence.
In contrast, there are many people who are reasonably talented, but who lack self-confidence. These people are victims of the several myths that surround self-confidence.
1. One of the foremost myths about self-confidence is that people are born with self-confidence. It is a quality that cannot be acquired. Nothing can be farther from truth. Self-confidence, like other skills, can be built. All that you need is right guidance and a belief in yourself.
2. There are others who blame their low self-confidence to their lack of good looks and poor upbringing. They don't realize that self-confidence has nothing to do with their looks. It is a reflection of one's confidence. The only way they can overcome this myth is by learning to believe in themselves. In fact, talent and self-confidence are not inter-related.
There are scores of talented actors and actresses who do very well in their professions but whose personal lives are torn by lack of self-confidence. It may sound contradictory, but this is how life is.
Talent can be an important component of self-confidence, but it is certainly not a substitute for self-confidence. So, don't worry about lack of talent. Harness the skills that you possess.
3. Another myth is that self-confidence is directly proportional to the recognition and praise that an individual gets in his or her life; the ones who are not so lucky wallow in self-pity. Once again, there is little doubt that recognition and praise make you feel good about yourself, and boost your self-confidence.
But you can't simply depend on the praise lavished by others. You have to work hard to earn that praise, and you can do this only if you are self-confident. The same applies to those who are not successful. They, too, can earn praise if they work hard and win people's respect.
Such people should look at children. Children believe in themselves, and this gives them the self-confidence to try to do things they have never done before, be it learning how to cycle or how to swim.
In fact, no child comes into the world knowing all the skills. But it does not take long to teach children most of the basic skills. Then, why should it be difficult for adults to learn new skills or brave new challenges?
4. Another myth is that only self-confident people can afford to take risks. This again is not true. In fact, self-confident people are more realistic about their capabilities. They know what they can do, and what they can't do. More importantly, they know how to deal with failures.
In contrast, people who lack self-confidence are afraid of failure. This fear prevents them from taking on new tasks. They constantly pine for the approval of others, and when they don't get it they end up losing their self-confidence.
What is apparent is the lack of understanding. People must realize that self-confidence is a state of mind. It is not dependent upon a person's beauty or looks. It flows from a person's self-belief, and this belief can be built.
All that a person needs to do is to debunk myths that self- confidence cannot be acquired or that self-confidence is a byproduct of exceptional knowledge, skills and luck. Once they do so, they will find it easier to acquire the same magnetic powers that self-confident people have.
How to Develop a Personal Development Plan: 10 Easy Steps

When you set out to develop a personal development plan, you want to take a few factors into consideration. Here are ten easy steps that give you a good start:
STEP ONE - TAKE INVENTORY OF YOUR LIFE NOW: First thing to do when setting out to make change is to evaluate where you are right now. So, for at least one week (but doing it for two weeks would be better), notice how and where you spend your time. Also, notice if things take longer than you "think" they should take you. Don't place any judgment on how and where you spend time, just notice. Be sure to include weekends so you have a variety between work days and non-work days. Keep this step simple. Don't try to change anything. Just notice your time commitments.
STEP TWO - CATEGORIZE HOW YOU SPEND YOUR TIME: Now let's categorize each area of your life where time is currently spent. A personal development plan sample that I like has the following categories:
1. Dreams
2. Career/Financial
3. Purpose/Goals
4. Love/Family
5. Health
2. Career/Financial
3. Purpose/Goals
4. Love/Family
5. Health
STEP THREE - DREAM ABOUT YOUR PERFECT LIFE: Give yourself permission to take a few moments to dream about your perfect life. While this is only imagination, this exercise opens a portal of inner knowledge that can lead you to your perfect life. Don't judge any of your dreams. These are your true feelings and ones that will guide you in your own proper direction.
STEP FOUR - MATCH UP YOUR IDEAL LIFE WITH YOUR CURRENT LIFE: After visualizing where you would like to take your life, compare it with your current life. Be prepared for this step to cause some pain if there is a big difference between the two. But, this step gives you a "starting point" and an "ending point," both of which are necessary to set out plans to get from one to the other.
STEP FIVE - ASK, "WHAT SMALL CHANGE CAN I MAKE NOW THAT WILL ALTER MY OVERALL LIFE TRAJECTORY?" Many times making a small change in your current circumstances has stronger ramifications as your life unfolds because it changes your focus. For example, if you decide to take a 15 minute daily walk just to "percolate" how to take the next step for your life, this small action will move your current mindset from "I'm stuck now" to "What's next and how do I get there?" Over time, this will gain momentum as your trajectory of life broadens because your "rocket" is now pointed to a new planet - the planet of hope!
STEP SIX - FIND A GOOD PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN TEMPLATE FOR DETAILED PLANNING: There are many personal development plan samples, examples and templates available today. Look for one that keeps it simple because one of the things I have found that is a hindrance when people develop a personal development plan is that they make it too complicated - which, of course, leads to overwhelm and failure.
STEP SEVEN - GET PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN COACHING: When you are planning out a major event such as your life, it's a good time to get an objective view of yourself, which is one of the best things about using a coach. Strategizing with someone in this manner can rapidly increase your success rate when you want to develop a personal development plan. Often times, a coach will also have a good example personal development plan.
STEP EIGHT - GIVE YOURSELF TIME TO MAKE THE CHANGES: Often times what stops people from success when they develop a personal development plan is underestimating the time it takes to set goals and make changes. When this happens, it's easy to get discouraged and give up. So, one of the best things you can do is to give yourself plenty of time to make change.
STEP NINE - VISUALIZE YOUR DESIRED RESULTS: Visualization is very powerful, but there is one important component to doing visualization that many people miss. That component is to actually feel the scenario that you are visualizing. This one portion makes the difference between success and failure.
STEP TEN - HAVE FUN: Many times we get overly serious when trying to make changes in our lives. This serious point of view takes all the joy out of the endeavor and joy is also a critical factor when seeking goal achievement.
By using these ten steps when you start to develop a personal development plan, you are setting yourself up for success, one step at a time.
How to relieve stress using Laughter Therapy
How to relieve stress using laughter therapy. The Happiness Project became a household name in 1996 when the BBC broadcast an outstanding QED documentary called "How to be Happy".
For the show, three people who were clinically depressed took part in an unusual experiment. Prior to the commencement of the experiment the level of activity in the left pre-frontal lobe of the brain was measured, a reliable indicator of their happiness levels.
Over the next few weeks, the participants had to do three things:
1. Take physical exercise. As discussed in Strategy 5, exercise is a great stress reliever and helps release endorphins.
2. Laugh for 20 minutes a day. Laughter produces endorphins which make you feel good. Just smiling releases serotonin into your bloodstream.
3. Force themselves to have positive thoughts. Each participant had to place coloured stickers around in their home at work. Each time they saw a sticker, they had to think of something that made them feel good.
Because these new behaviours were repeated on a daily basis, they soon became habits. At the end of the study the participants had their brain activity re-assessed and all three had changed from being clinically depressed to being extreme optimists.
For the show, three people who were clinically depressed took part in an unusual experiment. Prior to the commencement of the experiment the level of activity in the left pre-frontal lobe of the brain was measured, a reliable indicator of their happiness levels.
Over the next few weeks, the participants had to do three things:
1. Take physical exercise. As discussed in Strategy 5, exercise is a great stress reliever and helps release endorphins.
2. Laugh for 20 minutes a day. Laughter produces endorphins which make you feel good. Just smiling releases serotonin into your bloodstream.
3. Force themselves to have positive thoughts. Each participant had to place coloured stickers around in their home at work. Each time they saw a sticker, they had to think of something that made them feel good.
Because these new behaviours were repeated on a daily basis, they soon became habits. At the end of the study the participants had their brain activity re-assessed and all three had changed from being clinically depressed to being extreme optimists.
Stress Management Tips and Techniques
Introduction To Stress Management Tips
Stress is a part of day to day living and adjusting to our environment. Family, friends, employment and life experiences can all affect our level of stress. Mild forms of stress can act as a motivator that propels you to complete tasks that excite you. However, if your stress level becomes too high, physical, mental / emotional problems can result. This is when stress management tips come in handy to help you to cope more effectively.
What causes Stress?
How we react to external events is what causes stress. In themselves, events are not stressful. We all differ in how we respond to the events taking place around us and it is our internal reactions, thoughts and choices that either create or alleviate stress. What one person finds stressful another does not. For example, one person may fear speaking up for themselves and worry that this may cause conflicts to arise. Another person though, may view speaking up as a way to achieve their desires and is motivated to do so.
Both positive and negative life experiences can be stressful. Major changes though contribute to higher levels of stress and require stress management tips and techniques to help you to cope at these times.
Major changes that influence our level of stress include:
- Changing homes
- Divorce
- Death of a loved one
- Losing your job
- Changing jobs
- Conflict in the workplace or home
- Increased workload
- Getting married
- Starting a family
- Illness
- Financial issues / problems
- Noise / distractions
- Feeling let down
A combination of two or more of these stressors is more likely to raise your level of stress.
How do you know if you are stressed?
There are a number of symptoms that indicate that you may be experiencing stress. You may notice that you:
- have mixed feelings
- feel anxious
- experience mood swings
- feel irritable
- frustrated
- or are easily annoyed
You may notice a change in your behaviour, for example:
- crying when you think about what is causing you stress
- acting impulsively
- grinding your teeth
- increasing your level of smoking, drugs or alcohol
- Losing interest in your environment or social interactions
- You may notice that it is difficult to concentrate or you suffer a loss of productivity
- You may be preoccupied or worried with thoughts / tasks to complete
- You may feel inadequate
- Loss of appetite or increased binge eating
Stress can also affect the body, you may notice any one of the following symptoms:
- Increased perspiration
- increased heart beat
- feeling nervous
- sleep problems
- digestive problems
- tense muscles
- illness prone
It is important to be aware of the indicators of stress. In the last year, both of my beautiful parents died and then my workload increased dramatically due to changes in my work role. It wasn't until a colleague pointed out that I was behaving differently (snappy, irritable, memory fading) that I stopped and fully realised that I had experienced three major stressors in a period of twelve months, which were contributing to how I was feeling.
Whilst I "should" have been aware that I was suffering the effects of stress, I had not acknowledged it because I was trying to cope with grief and the increased workload. I am truly grateful that my colleague brought it to my attention. This is when I began to empower myself again, by using many of the techniques listed below.
The benefit of using these techniques is to increase your level of happiness and well-being. Remember you are never alone if you are suffering from stress and there is always someone who can assist you. But the first step you must take is to recognise that you are experiencing stress and then decide what you wish to do about it.
Stress Management Tips and Techniques
Here, we will cover some of the stress management tips and techniques that you can use to reduce your stress. Do not hesitate though to seek the services of a professional counselor or your doctor if symptoms persist. Ongoing stress can affect your health and well being. Learn to recognise the signs and choose to help yourselves to lessen stress.
To reduce your level of stress you can:
- Exercise - Practice some form of exercise daily to promote optimal health and well being. This is a wonderful way of reducing the impact of stress on your physical and mental well being.
- Change the way you think. Reinforce positive self-statements. People grow from strength rather than weakness.
- Practice a relaxation method that incorporate the Mind Traffic Exercise. The Mind Traffic Exercise is where you have a pen and paper beside you as you relax where you can dump all of your thoughts onto the paper.
- Learn to recognize and accept your limits. Do not judge yourself or place expectations on how you think you 'should' cope. Each one of us is unique in how we handle stress.
- Find ways to have fun. Start a new hobby or rekindle an old one.
- Eat a balanced diet daily.
- Talk with friends, family, a counselor, teacher or someone you can trust about your worries/problems.
- Develop time management skills. When you have many tasks to complete, setting priorities will help you to manage more effectively. Remember to set realistic goals.
- Practice relaxation techniques on a daily basis.
How to Make a Good First Impression. Everything Counts!
When you first meet someone, he or she makes a judgment about you in about 4 seconds. This judgment is finalized within 30 seconds of the initial contact.
Suppose your self-image is one of radiant success. Furthermore, suppose you hold this image in your mind’s eye about yourself without one shred of doubt.
And suppose you “dress for success” as well. Suppose you “look like a million dollars!”
If this is the case, you have everything going for you. Your first impression will be a big success!
Enjoy the video from Brian Tracy and find out secrets how to make first impression....
14 Sweet Ways to Make a Good First Impression

Although first impressions can be totally deceiving, almost everyone judges you based on that first impression. This means you entire future relationship with anyone can depend on it (and often that first impression is just a few seconds).
Here are some great ways to make a good first impression:
Be Well-Groomed
Not everyone will admit it but most people allow someone's physical appearance to make a contribution to their first impression of that person. Sloppy personal hygiene can indicate lack of interest. The deduction (but not always the truth) from this is that if someone does not pay attention to their own body, why would they pay attention to you or their role towards you.
Dress Neatly
Some people are millionaires but dress in shorts and an old t-shirt because they don't care and it's comfortable. However, if you are dressed neatly or stylishly, you will often make a good impression on someone, A suit and tie are not necessary, as long as your clothes look good and match the occasion.
Be On Time
Being on time is very important for a first impression. If you have an appointment, a meeting or a date, it is always better to be 5 minutes early and have to wait than to be too late. Being on time shows that you have integrity and do as you promise and that you respect the other person's time. Like I said, very important!
Good Manners
Good manners go a long way in contributing to a good first impression. A good introduction, holding the door open for someone, being the last to sit and speaking with two words (yes Sir or yes Mam) are examples of good etiquette.
Be Polite
Being polite kind of falls in the same category as having good manners. Don't interrupt people while they are talking, ask them how they are doing, be polite to the people around that person who you are making a first impression on etc.
Be Authentic
You can usually tell the difference between someone who is fake and someone who is authentic within minutes of talking to them. People who are fake and who say and do things only to impress others are not liked by many. Strive to let all your actions and words be authentic. Mean what you say and do something because you believe in it and want to do it.
A smile goes a long way and is sometimes enough to brighten someone's entire day. Seeing someone smile often makes me want to smile and this is a great effect to have on other people. If you can make someone smile and laugh from the moment you meet them, you can count on it that you made a good first impression on them.
Give a Genuine Compliment
Try to notice something about someone that really stands out and give them a genuine compliment for it. Flattery always works, especially when it comes from the heart and you mean what you say.
Help Someone
Showing that you care about others and don't only think about yourself will definitely help you make a good first impression. It doesn't mean that you have to go out of your way to try to make that good impression. If someone happens to cross paths with you that could use some help and it won't cost you much, then help them out.
Take Initiative
People like people who take initiative. People who take initiative are often known as leaders, because they do not wait for other people to tell them what to do and when to do it. Leaders are respected, they make decisions and they take initiative.
Take Interest In The Other Person
Don't try to talk about yourself too much. Rather, take interest in the other person. Who are they, what are they all about? Get them to talk about themselves, most people love this. People want to feel important. The more personal stories you can get them to tell, the more likely it is that they will be impressed.
Be Humble
Even if you are very successful, have a lot of money or are really famous, try not to use it as a way to impress people. Someone will be a lot more impressed if they know these things about you but that you did not try to flaunt it in their face.
Body Language
90% of communication is non-verbal. This is exactly why it is so important to have correct body language. Here are a few tips:
-Sit up straight (don't slouch)
-Walk erect (shoulders back)
-Maintain Eye Contact (don't look away all the time)
-Relaxed (not fidgety or nervous)
-Confident Actions (do everything with intent and purpose)
-Walk erect (shoulders back)
-Maintain Eye Contact (don't look away all the time)
-Relaxed (not fidgety or nervous)
-Confident Actions (do everything with intent and purpose)
Have Fun
This is probably one of the more important things to make a good first impression. Have fun with whatever you do and be positive. This conveys that you are not doing anything to make an impression, you are not there to take value from the other person. Instead you give value and your spread your positivity and enthusiasm.
This is probably one of the more important things to make a good first impression. Have fun with whatever you do and be positive. This conveys that you are not doing anything to make an impression, you are not there to take value from the other person. Instead you give value and your spread your positivity and enthusiasm. Pictures are courtesy of
Saturday, May 11, 2013
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind to Acheive ANY Goal
Use the Power of Your MInd to Acheive ANY Goal.
10 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy And Content
“Man falls from the pursuit of the ideal of plan living and high thinking the moment he wants to multiply his daily wants. Man’s happiness really lies in contentment.” Mahatma Gandhi

Sometimes giving up and letting things go can make us the happiest. Turning over the pages of time you are quite likely inviting depression, stress and excuses, all leading you to an unhappy and unfulfilled life. So, let us see what are those ‘give ups’ that can make us happy and content.
Give Up your self-directed negative thoughts

If you believe in yourself, believe implicitly, explicitly and unquestionably. Even the tiniest steps taken in right direction are praiseworthy. What matters is you have faith in yourself and you keep moving. Once you have won yourself by kicking off the self-directed negative thoughts, you will be amazed to experience what you accomplish
“Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do.” -Benjamin Spock
Give up your mean habit of criticizing unnecessarily
Abandon your mean habit of criticizing anybody. Don’t forget that nobody is perfect; being imperfect is an inevitable part of mankind. In many extent we all are perfectly imperfect and even the strongest stumbles; therefore, hitting anybody’s emotional peak unnecessarily highlights your own shortcomings and lack of spirit of criticism. Stay tuned for receiving criticism as an opportunity to construct your own self.
“Criticism, like rain, should be gentle enough to nourish a man’s growth without destroying his roots.” Frank A. Clark
Give up the past
Past always appears to so charming that it tyrannically overwhelms all our powers to embrace the beautiful present; so, you are wasting your fresh tears and precious time on old grief that has nothing to do with present. It is a human nature to perceive present to be worse than the past and future to be unresolved. Repeated venture in your incomplete and imperfect past will never alter your present; rather, it will invite mess, guilt, blame and resentment, it will let opportunities fly and leave the regretting chances upon the closed door. Live your life fully on the top of your spellbind past, enjoy the present and everything is beyond.
“One of the most tragic things I know about human nature is that all of us tend to put off living. We are all dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horizon – instead of enjoying the roses that are blooming outside our windows today. ~Dale Carnegie
Give up living your life on others expectation
If you are inclined to live your life considering what others think of you, then you are certainly betraying yourself. Living up to others’ expectation seems to be living a worthless life of others’ momentary and careless whim in the laboratory of life. Never try to acquire literary characters’ heroic greatness that your friends or family have picked up from any book covers for you; regardless of their disapproving glare, silent look and disappointing words. Their expectation will make your world full of disappointments and frustrations. If there is nothing wrong with expectations, then why not living up to your own?
“I do my thing and you do yours. I am not in this world to live up to your expectations, and you are not in this world to live up to mine. You are you and I am I, and if by chance we find each other, then it is beautiful. If not, it can’t be helped.” Frederick Perls
Give up your resistance for change
Human nature resists change unless the benefits outweigh the risks or keeps them on hold as long as possible. Change has always been underestimated and resisted since it accompanies some discomforts and risks. We shouldn’t forget it is change what brings opportunity and shows us the road of growth, improvements and empowerments. Change is eternal and perpetual; it is will arrive in your life. So the best is you welcome it and don’t resist. If change comes through or after resistance, it will be painful. So embrace it and hug it!
“Change is hard because people overestimate the value of what they have—and underestimate the value of what they may gain by giving that up.” – James Belasco and Ralph Stayer
Give Up Limiting Beliefs
Your belief in yourself will decide your actions. On many occasions, you will stumble up on obstacles, challenges, and extreme conditions. In order to challenge and eliminate them, you will need self-confidence, and determination. If something seems to be impossible, it could be because you are self trapped of your own limitations. To accomplish greatest things, dream is not the only tool, it is the faith in your action which plays the main role in fulfilling them.
“Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve.Mary Kay AshTrust yourself. You know more than you think you do.” – Benjamin Spock
Give up your fears
Fears holds you back from what you can be tomorrow; fear is the spirit-killer; fear is the first little step that invites total obliteration; fear is that strongest emotion that snatches your inner strength, courage and confidence but to think of conquering it over is the beginning of the wisdom that ends up winning the whole world. Don’t be timid adventurer of exploring what you are afraid of, face it and let it pass through or over you. In the end you will find your courageous self to be left.
“You are frightened of everything. You call it caution. You call it common sense. You call it practicality. You call it playing the odds, but that’s only because you’re afraid to call it by its real name, and its real name is fear.” – MICK FARREN,
Give up the habit of blaming other
Blaming other is wasting your valuable time and heaping up your own frustration and disappointments on others. Only poor artists blame his instruments.
“The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are your own. You do not blame them on your mother, the ecology, or the president. You realize that you control your own destiny.” – Albert Ellis
Give up finding causes not to be happy
Everything appears to be bliss of God, everyday seems to be the most beautiful day and every season seems to be the season of love if one carries happiness in deep within. Happiness does not come from without; it is a form of courage and conscious preference that is to be felt deep within so give up finding millions of excuses not to be happy. Regardless of your circumstances – misery of you dispositions, daily frustrations and disappointments – determined to be happy is what that makes your happiness eternal.
“Happiness always looks small while you hold it in your hands, but let it go, and you learn at once how big and precious it is.” – Maxim Gorky
Give up your personal requirement to control situation
Be sensible and ready to give up some of your personal requirements to control the situation, issues and people like your friends, family or fellow around you. The art of happy living itself lies in the blend of letting things go and holding on; therefore if you let something go for better it will make you feel good.
“By letting it go it all gets done. The world is won by those who let it go. But when you try and try. The world is beyond winning.” Lao Tzu
Turn Conflict Into Caresses - Relationship Advice on Conflict Resolution for Couples
Powerful relationship advice for turning conflict into caresses to improve your love relationship. Learn how to stop fighting and how to make up so that you keep your love life or marriage strong. There are just a few simple steps to learn how to turn conflict into caresses...
Healthy Conflict Resolution
"The most basic of all human needs is the need to understand and be understood. The best way to understand people is to listen to them."~ Ralph Nichols
Life and relationships will inevitably have some rough spots. There may be an issue at work, or a conflict with a parent, spouse or child. Hopefully, as we go through life we will develop the skills to resolve these issues in healthy ways.
Life and relationships will inevitably have some rough spots. There may be an issue at work, or a conflict with a parent, spouse or child. Hopefully, as we go through life we will develop the skills to resolve these issues in healthy ways.
How to Fight: 10 Rules of Relationship Conflict Resolution

Great relationships develop not from the absence of conflict, but from determining an agreeable pattern for how to resolve conflict. Defining the rules of engagement for how you "fight" with someone you care about is ultimately much more important than trying to never have a disagreement.
If you care about someone, then consider adopting these 10 rules as part of the way you communicate with them when you are trying to resolve a conflict:
Rule #1: Don't yell.
Adding emotion clouds the clarity of what actually happened. If the other person is yelling, it becomes especially important that you don't raise your voice so as to prevent a natural escalation of competing interests.
Adding emotion clouds the clarity of what actually happened. If the other person is yelling, it becomes especially important that you don't raise your voice so as to prevent a natural escalation of competing interests.
Rule #2: Always start and end the conversation by affirming that you care about the other person.
In the midst of a disagreement, you can never underestimate the power and importance of reminding the other person that you care about them and believe in them.
In the midst of a disagreement, you can never underestimate the power and importance of reminding the other person that you care about them and believe in them.
Rule #3: Be open to the idea that you made a mistake even if you are sure you did not.
People rarely get upset for no reason, so there is a good chance that there is at least a kernel of truth to what they are saying.
People rarely get upset for no reason, so there is a good chance that there is at least a kernel of truth to what they are saying.
Rule #4: Don't speak in generalities of another person's behavior; speak only to direct examples and instances of action.
It's hard for anyone to own up to a generalization and so you'll likely just see his or her defensiveness activate. By isolating an instance of fact, everyone can quickly see where he or she was right and wrong.
It's hard for anyone to own up to a generalization and so you'll likely just see his or her defensiveness activate. By isolating an instance of fact, everyone can quickly see where he or she was right and wrong.
Rule #5: Always work to be the first to apologize when any dispute arises.
Although the idea of waiting for the other person to apologize first seems vindicating, it's actually a guaranteed sign of how you care more about being right than in coming to a reconciliation.
Although the idea of waiting for the other person to apologize first seems vindicating, it's actually a guaranteed sign of how you care more about being right than in coming to a reconciliation.
Rule #6: Focus on trying to discover what's right, not who is right.
When thinking about what happened, try to remove yourself from the situation and evaluate rightand wrong based solely on the actions that took place regardless of which side you're on. Treat it as if you are refereeing someone else's game.
When thinking about what happened, try to remove yourself from the situation and evaluate rightand wrong based solely on the actions that took place regardless of which side you're on. Treat it as if you are refereeing someone else's game.
Rule #7: Do not cuss.
Exaggerated language is often proof of an exaggerated understanding of what actually happened. If you swear, the other party is likely to only hear the expletives and will stop listening for any validity in what you're saying.
Exaggerated language is often proof of an exaggerated understanding of what actually happened. If you swear, the other party is likely to only hear the expletives and will stop listening for any validity in what you're saying.
Rule 8: No name-calling.
Belittling a person always shifts the focus off of resolving the actual problem. Verbal abuse is never welcome to a conflict resolution party.
Belittling a person always shifts the focus off of resolving the actual problem. Verbal abuse is never welcome to a conflict resolution party.
Rule #9: Remind yourself the other person also cares about reconciling the relationship.
One of the fundamental causes of many disagreements is feeling hurt that the other person is no longer considering your perspective, but if they didn't care about a resolution with you they wouldn't be fighting for one.
One of the fundamental causes of many disagreements is feeling hurt that the other person is no longer considering your perspective, but if they didn't care about a resolution with you they wouldn't be fighting for one.
Rule #10: Remind yourself to never expect the other person to fill a hole in your life that only God can fill.
Sometimes we fall into the trap of placing improper expectations on other people because we are hoping for them to satisfy a need in our life that they are not really capable of satisfying.
Sometimes we fall into the trap of placing improper expectations on other people because we are hoping for them to satisfy a need in our life that they are not really capable of satisfying.
If we are fighting with someone, it means we both care about finding the best course of action and we both care about preserving the relationship. If we didn't care about one another, then we would just ignore each other and leave.
The reason these 10 rules are important is because as long as they are in place, then no disagreement or conflict will ever shake the critical bedrock of knowing that the other person cares about you. As long as we know the other person cares about us, it will give us a common ground to work from as we try to unite two seemingly conflicted views.
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